Docker on AWS EC2 Instance
In this blog I’ll show you how to install docker on EC2 instance
Login to your AWS Account
If you don’t have the AWS Account, just create the free tier version. with that you can create instances.
Search for EC2 Service
Choose the service EC2
Now, let’s create the EC2 instance
choose the name for ec2 instance, which image ubuntu, redhad or windows etc..
Then launch the EC2 instance
Connect to the EC2 instance
We can connect to EC2 instance in number of ways, here we are using Cloud shell
Cloud shell in AWS
Now we have connected to the EC2 instance using the Cloud shell
Here, we can download the Docker
Download Docker in EC2 instance
sudo apt install
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
sudo service docker start
ls -l /var/run/docker.sock
sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock
Use the above commands to download the Docker, sometimes the docker demon will not work so far that you can use the last 3 commands
using docker command we can verify whether it’s installed properly
Running our first docker container
Use the below command to run our first docker conatainer
docker run hello-world
Now, we have successfully download docker and run docker container in our AWS EC2 Instance.