Unveiling the Power of AWS in a Student-Centric Event

Christober S
2 min readNov 10, 2023


In a recent event that brought together over 60 enthusiastic students, the spotlight was on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and its vast array of services. The gathering served as a platform for knowledge exchange, exploration, and discovery as attendees delved into the world of cloud computing.

Photo taken while talking about AWS


First, I started the session with the question How many of you know about AWS? Only very few students raised their hands up. Then I have said them at the end of today’s session each and every one of will get enough knowledge about Cloud and AWS. Then I had started the session.

What does mean Cloud computing?

  • I have explained about cloud with great examples that everyone can understand
  • I had what are the terminologies in the cloud like Iaas, Paas, and Saas
  • I have shared about Public Cloud, Private Cloud, and Hybrid Cloud
  • Why we need to use cloud instead of on-premise
  • Explained about Server’s and Data centre all those things

What is AWS?

I had talked about AWS. How Amazon turn from delivery products from Cloud computing. How they have started their carrer in cloud computing

  • What are the types of services provided by AWS
  • AWS data center, Availablity Zone, and Region
  • Talked about AWS Market share and about their lead in Cloud Computing . The first cloud provider in this World
  • How we can access AWS (AWS Console management, AWS CLI, SDKs)
AWS Console Management system

What are the services provided by AWS?

I have talked about the services which are provided by AWS

Which includes:

  • Compute
  • Storage
  • Networking
  • Analytics and more…

CapEx Vs OpEx

Talked about CapEx and OpEx clearly. Difference between them

Shown a demo of how to deploy a website with Amazon Amplifiy Service

I have practically deployed a website that I have in my local host and deployed it in AWS then, Shared a link of my website to all attendes then everyone can see the website on their mobile phonesnes

At least I have asked a feedback from them

“Everyone has said that It was a very useful session and we gained some knowledge about AWS and Cloud Computing Especially the practical demo that you showed how to deploy a website in the cloud shows the power of Cloud computing”

The session was a really very good experience



Christober S
Christober S

Written by Christober S

Student | Cloud | DevOps | Tech Blogger | Public Speaker

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